Friday, October 7, 2011

1984 George Orwell and three baptismal commitments

Remember in 1984 when George Orwell talks about how it doesnt matter how many people tell you you're wrong, if you're right, you're right? I have to remind myself of this pretty much on daily basis in korea. My favorite example of this happened at a sisters lunch with all Korean sisters. We were talking about how missions are 18 months and its like giving birth twice. Then the koreans were like,"but it doesn't work because pregnancies are 10 months". Uh... no they're not. "Yes they are!" uh no. I TOOK THAT CLASS! I watched that WHOLE video except the very end when I passed out. But there was no convincing them- it only ended because the Korean rage was starting to surface and i was scared. 
But on to more important things- WE GOT THREE BAPTISMAL COMMINTMENTS THIS WEEK!!!!!!!! Two of them are happening on saturday. I am on cloud nine! I cannot believe the miracles we are seeing. We are planning on committing two more people thisweek and I am pretty confident its going to happen. It seems like every day we are picking up another incredibly prepared investigator. 
We had ward conference yesterday and we were pretty heart broken when only two of our investigators showed up. I said a prayer and moments later we got three phonecalls in a row from lost investigators trying to find the church. We had to go on member splits and runa  half marathon to collect all of our SEVEN investigators that came. The ward was amazing and I think everyone had a really great experience. The stake president gave an amazing talk all about repentance, the atonement, and baptism. It was such an amazing missionary sunday. SO many members brought friends or family- we got so many numbers i have no idea how we are going to have time to call them all this week. I looked at our schedule this week and we have one one hour block of time that is not filled with a stellar appointment. The Lord is blessing us in such a huge way- im just hope we can keep this up. We arent taking a p day again today because there really is no time. I dont know how im going to do it. IM SO TIRED. I feel like ive aged ten years this transfer- im losing tons of weight and the weird thing is ive never been happier in my whole life. I love falling into bed feeling like death and knowing I'm doing what i came here to do. 
OH YEAH- we had splits this week. My compy from the mtc came up to gwangju which meant neither of us spoke korean and I had to get us to all of our appointments all over the city and try to say something substinative enough that our investigators wouldn't drop us. I've never been so stressed in my life. BUt guess what? The Lord totally covered for us. We had an amazing couple of days. We made it to all of our appointments on time, taught our lessons to our investigators who either understood us or are just really nice.
It was a humbling and incredible experience to feel the spirit guiding us in such a huge way. Its comforting to know that the Lord wont let us mess things up-  He ALWAYS has our backs. 
An old lady bought us chicken the other day and there were fried chicken feet in the bucket that looked like baby hands. I freaked out inside. The korean elders tried to get me to eat them. um no thank you i'd rather not chew up a foot today. Thanks!
IT sounds like everyone it doing amazing! I miss you all somthin fierce. 
Lovie dovie all the time


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